Chris Tegho Focus on Machine Learning

I am a machine learning engineer with focus on computer vision, language modeling, and generative models. I am also interested in the intersection of art and ML. My recent collaborations include work with artist Zach Blas on The Doors, an installation commissioned by the De Young Museum and the Van Abbe museum, and developping a few shot gaz canisters detector for Forensic Architecture.

I have executed challenging tasks throughout entire pipelines, from dealing with small amounts of data (as little as 10 training data points) all the way to deploying ML models that serve thousands of requests per second.

My research interests are in Bayesian neural networks, few shot learning, variational inference and computer vision (video understanding, object and movement detection).

I completed my Masters in machine learning at the University of Cambridge, in August 2017.

You can email me at christegho [at] gmail [dot] com.
